Tuesday 19 January 2010

They say I look like…

Sienna Miller??? Ok so you know I went to Ankara this weekend to watch Ömer play and before the game I met up with Burcu, which is Aytek’s girlfriend and then also a addition to the litter =) Mine. Anyways we were talking and then Burcu said her friends thought I reminded them of Sienna Miller.

I wish!

Who would not want that gorgeous bod and that gorgeous, shiny and think hair?


sienna2 Me?

istanbul09 (171)Sienna Miller? 

PS. Ok I think they meant how I look at the moment with my blonder hair and white tan

PS2. I have never heard that I resemblance Sienna Miller but I can only say thanks!


Love M


Unknown said...

Jag tycker också att du är lite lik henne.
