Friday 15 January 2010

Back in Ankara again!

For you who do not know I am back in Ankara again to see Ömer play. I kind of missed it though. I was going to surprise my boyfriend my jumping on the bus and knocking on the door but when I spoke to him on the phone I quickly understood it would be impossible to know if he would be home or not at the time of my arrival. Never ever a surprise for him anymore =) haha!

I have been productive and sent out my CV as well but this time through Ömer’s mother who said she might be able to help me in my job searching.

Other than that me and Naz got invited to Mehmet’s for dinner the other day, which was a shocker (sorry memo but it was) but a very nice treat. We enjoyed our evening by drinking white wine and eating tortellini, cream, mozzarella and mushroom sauce with king prawns on the side. Quiet yummy and I regret not taking a photo of the masterpiece! As digestive I had a glass of Bailey’s, which is one of my favourite drinks, look how well Mehmet poured it into the glass!


IMG_0012 Mr Bailey’s



Me and Mehmet


Me and Naz

Love M