Tuesday 9 March 2010

Melis in Wonderland

No, Alice in Wonderland.

An extraordinary piece of cinema artwork. I am thanking Disney and director Tim Burton for this new interpretation of Alice in Wonderland. I have not yet had the chance to watch it but I am hoping to get that done in the upcoming days. Costumes and make-up already get 10 out of 10 and now the rest is left for me to see on the big screen!


In the 1950’s Disney did an animated interpretation of Lewis Carroll’s novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland that he wrote in 1865, and it is still my absolute favourite Disney movie. The movie was made under the supervision of Walt Disney himself and the film and its animation is regarded the finest work in Disney studio history and I can not do more than agree.


Yes I am a Alice in Wonderland fan!


Love M