Thursday 30 April 2009

Eurovision Song Contest 2009

Most of us  have all heard of the yearly musical phenomenon called Eurovision Song Contest where the European countries that have qualified to the final, compete on who has gotten the superior contribution. Personally, I lost the taste in my mouth after realizing that it was all political and that the voting had nothing to do with however the contributions actually musically deserved the votes. Witnessing how the Scandinavian countries praise each other, how Turkey and Greece have a silent hate during the contest and how the Balkan countries just have over taken the whole thing. Not that the last mentioned matters, I just felt that it has not been equal and the excitement that I used to have from when the Swedish contribution was picked til the actual day of the Eurovision, was just gone. What was once a family tradition slowly lost its spark and excitement and in the end we stopped watching it.

But this year I discovered that our dear organizers have divided the contest (yes, it has been that long ago since i watched Eurovision) into 3 parts where there is 2 semi finals that will decide which 25 countries will perform in the final. I watched the first semi final with anticipation and oh my god was I happy. It felt fair, exciting and made me look forward to the second semi final tonight. Obviously it helped that both Turkey and Sweden got voted into the final on Saturday. But I must admit, I have a few favourites in addition to the previous mentioned. Portugal, Israel and Armenia are the lucky 3 and I just can not stop listening to the songs. I love how Israel have mixed Hebrew with Arabic, how Portugal's song makes me feel happy and how I just want to shake my rusty hips to Jan-Jan by the Inga&Anush sisters from Armenia.

I also want to mention that I was looking through the contesters for the 2 semi finals and I could not find Great Britain, France, Germany and Spain and not to my surprise they apparently form a group called the Big 4. These are the countries that economically contribute most to the Eurovision and with that do not have to compete in the semi finals. Lucky them.

To all of you people blessed with the pipe and competing tonight and on Saturday. Good Luck!





Love M